Electrical Repair Company Greensboro

Welborn Electric Company offers professional electrical repair services to residents in Guilford County and surrounding counties of North Carolina. Electrical problems can occur from home appliances over loading circuits or home electrical outlets being worn out or going bad from loose wires on receptacles and before you know it move through the entire home.

Welborn Electric Company will assess the issue or issues and determine the main cause of the problem, which involves troubleshooting minor causes and in some cases testing primary lines connecting your house to the electric grid outdoors.

Electrical repairs must be taken serious and always handled by a Certified Electrician. Welborn Electric, has employed the most skilled electricians, technicians, and installers in the electrical industry for over 85 years, and continues to employ experts in the electrical field.

When Will I Need Professional Electrical Repair Services?

You may need electrical repair services or a Certified Electrician if you are considering the following:

  • Installing a new major appliance in your home
  • Installing a pool or spa
  • Exhaust fan or ceiling fan
  • Adding an additional outlets or lighting
  • Wiring a garage or building

National Electrical Code requires some circuits in kitchens and bathrooms to be dedicated and even protected by a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) outlet. The absence of (GFCI) receptacles in your kitchen and bathrooms leaves you at risk for potential electric shock if an appliance falls in water or a fault to Ground acurres. The lack of adequate power or circuit size can cause appliances to fail quicker and causes breakers to blow more often.

Contact Welborn Electric for All of Your Electrical Repair Services

Please leave the hazardous work to the professional electricians at Welborn Electric Company. We want your family to live in a safe home environment! Call Welborn Electric today and set up an appointment! Whatever the reason we are ready to help with prompt and professional local hometown service.

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